Understand the relationship between obesity and GI health
and hear diverse perspectives on weight management from a panel of health experts.
Are you interested in understanding more about obesity, weight management, or weight loss?
Do you know your weight may be impacting your GI health?
Would you like to hear perspectives on obesity and weight from a variety of health care professionals?
Would you like to hear perspectives on obesity and weight from a variety of health care professionals?
In this FREE webinar, Austin Chiang (MD, MPH) moderates a discussion with expert panelists Sigh Pichamol Jirapinyo (MD), Beth Rosen (MS, RD), and Megan Riehl (PsyD). They discuss the impacts of weight on GI health and how various health care providers including gastroenterologists, nutritionists, and health psychologists can assist with weight loss goals. Alternative perspectives such as the Health At Every Size® approach are also discussed!
The relationship between obesity, weight, and GI health
Advancements in bariatric surgery for management of obesity
Lifestyle and behavioral interventions for weight loss or management
The importance of nutrition and movement to a healthy lifestyle, regardless of body size
How a diverse team of health psychologists, nutritionists, and gastroenterologists can help you achieve your health goals
Austin Chiang, MD, MPH
Megan E. Riehl, PsyD
Beth Rosen, MS, RD
Pichamol Jirapinyo, MD, MPH