Have you heard about psychogastroenterology but aren't sure how to incorporate it into patient care?

  • Would you like to better understand which patients are best candidates for referral to a GI psychologist?

  • Would you like to learn the best way to approach the idea of a GI psychologist with your patients?

  • Have you struggled to find psychologists who specialize in chronic health conditions?  

If you answered “YES” to one or more of the questions above, we can help!

In this FREE WEBINARClinical Psychologist Tiffany Taft, PhD, will explain how psychologists trained in GI health psychology can help your patients address the psychological impact of chronic GI illness and improve their symptom experience. A GI psychologist will address the biological, psychological, and social factors at play in chronic GI illness, and may be able to help your patients reduce symptom severity, anxiety, depression, and common behaviors such as hypervigilance, catastrophizing, and activity avoidance. A GI psychologist can be helpful for a broad range of patients and care is frequently covered by insurance!

In this FREE WEBINAR you'll:

  • Learn the truth behind common myths regarding insurance coverage, when to incorporate psychological support, and more.

  • Discover how psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and gut-directed hypnosis may help your patients.

  • Determine which patients are good candidates for referral to a GI psychologist.

  • Explore how to approach the idea of referral to a GI psychologist with your patients.

  • Identify how to use existing resources to find a qualified GI or general health psychologist for your patients.

  • Examine how a GI psychologist will approach your patient and their treatment once referred.

Meet Your Instructor

Tiffany Taft, PhD

Dr. Tiffany Taft is a clinical psychologist and Director of Psych gastroenterology Research at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She is an expert on the social and emotional effects of chronic digestive disease, having published over 50 peer-reviewed publications and speaking at national and international conferences on these topics.

Dr. Taft also owns a group private practice in the Chicago suburbs dedicated to meeting the psychological needs of patients with chronic digestive disease.