Has your doctor recently given you a diagnosis of EoE but you aren’t sure what that really means for you?

  • Do you want to understand EoE and how certain foods can worsen symptoms like chest pain and difficulty swallowing?

  • Have you been told that dietary therapy is the only treatment that targets the cause of the symptoms, but worry that an EoE diet will be difficult to follow, or unenjoyable?

  • Do you want to learn the basics of how to approach an elimination diet for EoE?

If you answered “YES” to one or more of the questions above, you’re not alone.

In this FREE WEBINAR, Registered Dietitian Amanda Lynett will explain what EoE is, what causes symptoms such as chest pain and difficulty swallowing, and how dietary therapy can help you manage those symptoms. She will discuss common food triggers, the basics of an EoE elimination diet, and how working with a registered dietitian can help you navigate the elimination diet process!

Learn more about what causes EoE symptoms and how you can use a nutritional approach to help you improve your symptoms in this FREE webinar.

  • Learn about EoE, what causes EoE symptoms, and the role food plays in symptom management.

  • Understand how dietary therapy can be a very effective treatment and what foods commonly trigger symptoms.

  • Ease anxiety and increase confidence about following an elimination diet!

Meet Your Instructor

Amanda Lynett, MS, RDN

Amanda Lynett is a GI specialized Registered Dietitian. Amanda is passionate about helping individuals build a healthy relationship with food while reducing symptoms with evidence-based medical nutrition therapy for a variety of digestive health conditions.

Amanda is a Michigan-based consultant for GI onDEMAND and works full-time as an outpatient dietitian at Michigan Medicine with the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. She is also co-director for an annual GI nutrition training program called FOOD: The Main Course to Digestive Health. Education & Training: BS in Nutrition Sciences and Dietetics from Michigan State University. Delta State University Dietetic Internship. Currently in the process of completing her MS in Nutrition and Dietetics from Central Michigan University.